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5 Tips For A Great Interview

5 Tips For A Great Interview

It is impossible to create your dream life if you’re spending time at a job you hate. Finding work you love can be a fun adventure, but once you’ve found the job you have to nail the interview! Our Dundee Bank Human Resources Department knows a thing or two about finding, landing, and keeping a fulfilling job, and they’re here with a few tips to help you get through the interview process!

1.       Research the Company

The interviewer will always ask “why our company?” This can be tough to answer imaginatively. Rather than rattling off everything you read on the company website, go beyond. Read articles written on the company, learn as much as you can about the company and truly understand them. Grab the interviewer’s attention by providing your own thoughts on recent developments and the conversation will become more personable.

2.       Know How You Will Do This Job

Interviewers want to know how you are going to tackle this new position. They want to hear your strategies. Narrating how you will dive into the position will have your interviewer telling you the expectations the company has for the chosen candidate. Successful companies are hiring those who have their own visions and perspectives. Sharing this information proves your adaptability.

3.       Communication and Confidence is Key

What kind of vibes do you give off? Smart, qualified candidates often times come off as uncertain or not interested, they will move to the unfit category quickly. Communication is key in any relationship you will ever have so to ensure you win over your interviewing you have to show strength with this skill. Smile and be organic with your gestures to show that you are a welcoming professional. Eye contact and being an active listener throughout your interview will win the game!

4.       Make Sure You Can Work Your Way Out of a Scenario

Many candidates fail when it comes to scenario questions they are unfamiliar with. If you are being asked to put yourself in a position you’ve never been in, answer these questions analytically. This proves your ability to think on your feet, and to take in and process new information quickly. After doing research on your company think of a scenario they may ask pertaining to the business and show results from your analysis. Interviewers want candidates who deliver results rather than presenting a plan.

5.       Thank You Notes Have A Lasting Impact

“What is a handwritten note?” Today a handwritten note is worth its weight in gold. You have already made a great impression on the interviewer and now is the time to put on the final touches. Deliver the note in person and try to take a quick tour of the facility to show confidence in being the only choice for the position.

Being a creative candidate is the key to getting any job. Showing those innovative skills and passing the interviewers test will be tough but you can do it. Master these methods and your interviewing will be blown away by your excellent skills and qualifications.

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