Dundee Bank loves partnering with local small businesses interested in making a big change. Area Earth-Hero Big Muddy Urban Farm is dedicated to making sustainable agriculture accessible to all, with inspiring educational programs to support their mission. Their story starts like any tale of heroics, with seemingly insurmountable odds and pure punishment by Mother Nature, but the group stuck together and saw it through to its current Big Muddy Glory!
We were interested to know just what Urban Farming entails. It’s so much more than simply putting seeds in dirt and waiting patiently while it grows! Research has been done into the urban ecosystem, plant nutrition, hybrid and heirloom varietals, and the often-volatile temper of Nebraska weather. These farmers aren’t gardeners, they’re scientists, and we were amazed by their work ethic and fortitude.
In June, a group of Dundee Bankers toured BMUF and met the farm director, Brent, and three members of the Aspiring Farmer Residency Program. Gavin, Shayna, and Matt took us on a tour to see their neighborhood plots located in the Gifford Park area. We were given the opportunity to harvest onions for their Community Supported Agriculture program, got to meet and hold some of their ethically raised chickens, and toured the homes where the residents stay. It was a great experience to see all that these aspiring farmers do to support the community through urban agriculture and youth programs.
You are welcomed to schedule a group tour of the farm for your office, school, or community support groups by visiting https://www.bigmuddyurbanfarm.org/grouptours/
The most effective way to end food deserts and hedge food insecurity is to bring people closer to how their foods are produced. Projects at BMUF don’t just bring the farm to you, they bring farming to you. Visitors learn about the fragile relationship we have with nature, and with everything she allows to grow. We learned that it’s simply not enough to have a green thumb, but that we must continue our efforts to be green from top to bottom!
Every 2nd Sunday of the month from 10am to noon are BMUF’s designated volunteer days. You are invited to take this opportunity to learn more about the farm and new growing techniques. Choose between tasks like planting, weeding, construction, and mulching. Meetups take place at the Urban Farm Residency house at 3320 Burt street.
Dundee is proud to work with these green machines, and when you open an account with Dundee Bank, you are helping support local non profits like Big Muddy Urban Farm. Talk to your Dundee Banker today to learn more.