Dundee Bank

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4 reasons 2017 was Dundee Bank’s best year yet

Apple branch

4 reasons 2017 was Dundee Bank’s best year yet

Apple branch

It’s been a great year for Dundee Bank, and we have so much to be thankful for it’s hard to know where to start…so we made a list:

1. Our customers. We wouldn’t be Dundee without you. And this year we’re especially thankful to have been able to partner with customers who appreciate our refreshingly unique approach to banking, and who were willing to share their stories with us.

2. Branching out in the Blackstone District. Dundee is on the grow, with a new location in a historic building in Blackstone. And we’re not alone: From the historic renovation of the Colonial Hotel into upscale apartments to the addition of businesses like Coneflower Creamery, Stirnella Bar and Kitchen and the upcoming Early Bird and Bob’s Donuts, Blackstone is expanding in record time, and there’s plenty more development in store.

3. Adding new tools for a better experience. We’re always looking for ways to serve you better, and this year we launched a few new ones that are catching on, like Business Interest Checking. And thanks to our recent online banking upgrades, you can now bank anytime, anywhere – on your computer or on your phone via the new Dundee Bank site.

4. Building community partnerships. This year, we’re thankful for the other local businesses we’ve been fortunate to team up with to give you the perks you deserve, like free coffee cards with Archetype, a guitar giveaway with Ground Floor Guitar at Farnam Festival, and free coffee buyout hours at Blue Line. And our generous partners also help us give back to the community. We teamed up with Coneflower Creamery to give $1 to City Sprouts for every scoop of Dundee’s very own Apple Butter Cinnamon ice cream sold, and as a result we’ll be donating $1,120 to City Sprouts community garden. We’re so grateful for community partnerships like these and we look forward to building more.

Cheers to a bountiful year – and here’s to even more to be thankful for in 2018.

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