If you could step back 10 years in time and have a conversation with yourself, what kind of financial advice would you give? Would you have warnings about investments? Would you really hassle yourself about spending money on coffee, or would you have bigger items on your list? What would you plead with yourself to save for?
If science fiction has taught us anything, it’s that we just can’t go back. We can, however, look forward. Thinking of the changes you would make if you could over the last ten years, do your future self a favor and start making those changes today.
Investing in Peace of Mind
Medical bills are never a pleasant surprise. Whether it’s for a joyful event like welcoming a brand-new member of the family, or for unexpected illnesses, the toll it can take on your family’s financial freedom can quickly become devastating.
Right now, The Healthcare Marketplace along with many employers are hosting open enrollment on healthcare. Sky high deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses can cripple you for years, and many people find themselves making the decision to forgo routine care and delay treatment of serious health issues, just to avoid the cost.
At Dundee Bank, we know that a strong, healthy community doesn’t exist without strong, healthy citizens. Your health is close to our heart, and we want to be part of your solution.
Simply Better
A Health Savings Account from Dundee Bank is a simple way to keep your finances strong while never putting your own health on the backburner. With no minimum balance, a free debit card for health-related services, and tax-deferred contributions, an HSA is a valuable and reliable partner in all of your health goals. Whether your New Year’s resolution is to live a little healthier, or your long-term resolution is to dance at your grandchildren’s weddings, your excellent health is not negotiable.
Nothing to Hide, Everything to Gain!
Your balances carry over from year to year, with no minimum spending limit. The account is free to set up, comes with free online banking, and a free debit card.
We would love to help you navigate these steps, so please call us, set up an appointment, and let’s sit down with this information together. We also suggest that you include a Tax Professional in this process. While financial burdens and health scares can feel like setbacks, knowledge is power, and you’ve got us on your team.
If you’re interested in learning more about gaining access to coverage through the Affordable Healthcare Act, visit healthcare.gov today. The open enrollment window is much narrower this year, and most Americans qualify for financial assistance through the marketplace.
We are looking forward to a very long relationship with you and your family! Let’s take steps to keep that relationship healthy.