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Dundee Bank employees volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House

Dundee Bank making cookies with the kids at the Ronald McDonald house

Dundee Bank employees volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House

Dundee Bank making cookies with the kids at the Ronald McDonald house

Opening your wallet to give to a worthy cause is a noble act. But sometimes opening your heart by volunteering can be just as rewarding—for you and the recipient of your generosity. At Dundee Bank, we get this. That’s why we’re dedicated to working proactively to make a difference in our community, and so are our employees. During Halloween week, a group of them volunteered their time at Ronald McDonald House to help brighten the lives of its guests.

Cooking up some fun

If you’re unfamiliar with their mission, Ronald McDonald House helps families gain access to specialized medical treatment for a child by providing a place to stay from little or sometimes no cost. Dundee Bank employees lent a hand to help make those same families feel at home by cooking for them and completing a creative Halloween craft project.

First, the volunteers prepared dinner: chicken and beef enchiladas, and Mexican salad with homemade salsa and chips. To make the atmosphere more festive for the kids, they brought pumpkins and had the children decorate them by pounding golf tees into them using kid-friendly hammers. Although it wasn’t your typical pumpkin carving session, the families enjoyed the unique alternative. They capped off the evening by frosting Halloween sugar cookies after dinner.

Making a house feel like home

Ronald McDonald House is dedicated to providing families in need with the comforts of home, and says they are “here for the fighters.” Dundee Bank is here for them—and for you. RMH has a wide range of volunteer opportunities for groups like Dundee Bank employees as well as individual volunteers. You can write thank-you notes, help out with fundraising mailings or serve as a front desk greeter. And volunteer groups can also help out at annual fundraising events like a golf tournament, the Kids & Clays Shooting Sports Tournament, and the Wings and Wheels benefit and live auction. Learn more about volunteering.

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