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It Takes a Village…and a Local Bank

A school teacher.

It Takes a Village…and a Local Bank

A school teacher.

If it really does take a village to raise a child, that village is going to need one heck of a leader.
Robert Patterson, the award-winning CEO of Kids Can Community Center, definitely fits the bill
with 20 years of experience under his belt.

For more than 100 years, the organization has made it its mission to educate, engage, and
inspire children. Many kids don’t have the opportunity to have enriching educational experiences
as part of the childcare, or outside of school.

Looking forward to the next 100 years of supporting our community’s kids, Patterson and the
organization are taking that mission a step further.

“In our second century of service, we continue to value the belief that all children deserve an
impactful, enriching educational experience despite any socioeconomic barrier they may
encounter,” Patterson said.

Making such a big impact in our community’s youth takes a lot of financial support, and we’re
proud to team up with Kids Can as their banking partner.

“Dundee Bank has been a great partner for Kids Can Community Center,” Patterson said. “Not
only have they sponsored our annual Can Do Awards Luncheon, they have also invested in our
capital campaign for our new building.”

We do our best to make a positive impact in the Omaha community, but there are many times
when the best way for Dundee Bank to have a positive influence is simply by supporting our
customers so they can better serve their community.

So when those customers want to make Omaha a place where every child—no matter where
they live, the color of their skin, their family situation, or their financial status—deserves the
opportunity to live a successful life, we’re thrilled to support them.

To learn more about how we’re supporting local businesses and the Omaha community, visit

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