Dundee Bank

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Your Best Friend’s Best Friend Switches to Dundee

A man with three dogs.

Your Best Friend’s Best Friend Switches to Dundee

A man with three dogs.

For more than thirty years, Elkhorn and Omaha have counted on the Dvorak Family of Cottonwood Pet Resort to care for the furriest members of their family. Cottonwood serves as a fun daycare, groomer, and overnight spa adventure for your four legged friends. The team provides individual play, specialty snacks, and all the TLC your pet deserves.

David Dvorak knows the trust his clients have in him to treat their pets with kindness, respect, and care, and believes that every business owes their customers nothing but the best. David knows a good boy, girl, or bank when he sees one, and that’s what brought him to Dundee Bank.

When David was planning a move to a local bank, he chose Dundee Bank for their loyalty, commitment to supporting local, and building relationships along the way. We feel dog-gone lucky he found us!

“Supporting local means everything to me. Without the support from other local small businesses, we wouldn’t be here today.” David said. “When I walked into Dundee Bank, right away I could tell that relationships mattered to these folks.”

Dundee Bank is always eager to work with local residents and business owners who reflect the values that mean the most to us. Sustainability, respect, and local support. When we saw the care David and his staff put into Cottonwood Pet Resort, we knew we wanted them in our pack!

“When we were finalizing the move from the old bank, a team of Dundee Bank representatives came to my home to finish the paperwork. Both business and personal bankers came over and we got it done. I knew I had made the right choice, and more than a year later I couldn’t be more happy with the decision!”

Dundee Bank is proud to partner with Cottonwood Pet Resort, and look forward to many prosperous years together! Thank you, David, for supporting local, and for caring for Omaha and Elkhorn’s four legged friends!



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